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How Geothermal and Oil & Gas

Complement Each Other


June 18 Webinar Panel

How do geothermal and oil and gas complement each other? A panel of experts sets to lay down the facts and offer their perspectives.

Alberta has had a reputable oil and gas industry for decades. Since the plunge in oil prices amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, there has never been more interest in cleaner, more reliable opportunities in the energy sector - geothermal being one of them. How can we add geothermal to our current mix? How can oil and gas play a role in this energy transition? And how do these two energy sources ultimately complement each other?


The current story around Alberta geothermal has been positive, but there are some technical subtleties that the press and social media does not pick up on. Terrapin is introducing a panel of geologists, researchers, drillers, engineers, and geo-innovation experts to discuss the nuances of the Albertan geothermal and oil and gas context. This webinar includes an introduction comparing geothermal and oil and gas drilling, backgrounders on each panelist, a guided FAQ discussion, and an open Q&A.


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Our panel also answered questions directly in the Q&A box. View the written responses here.

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Contact Terrapin Geothermics

Developing profitable energy projects from heat to help industry thrive in a net-zero world.


#750, 10707-100 Ave NW

Edmonton, AB, Canada 

T5J 3M1

U.S. Office
4200 San Jacinto St
Houston, TX, United States

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