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About Terrapin Geothermics

Developing emission-free energy from heat for decarbonizing industries.

About Terrapin

We are project developers focused on emission-free energy projects to help our clients decarbonize their operations and thrive in a net-zero world.


We specialize in generating clean, baseload electricity and heat from industrial waste heat and deep geothermal resources. Utilizing our unique project development model, we bring together the key players needed to identify, conceptualize, finance, design, construct, and operate our Heat to Value projects.


Founded in 2016, we are privately-owned and based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


What We Value

Responsible Energy

Economic Solutions

Industrial Efficiency

Innovative Technology

What We Help You Navigate


Generating an ESG story aligned with your business goals.


Sales from heat, power and environmental attributes.


Integrating safely with your assets to reduce emissions intensity.


Purchasing the best waste heat to power technology.


How We Build

We unlock the value of your waste heat through end-to-end servicing and third-party capital. This means that we work with you from project origination to completion, and we pay you for the clean energy project.

Meet Our Heat to Value Experts

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Contact Terrapin Geothermics

Developing profitable energy projects from heat to help industry thrive in a net-zero world.


#750, 10707-100 Ave NW

Edmonton, AB, Canada 

T5J 3M1

U.S. Office
4200 San Jacinto St
Houston, TX, United States

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